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Industry Member


Green Energy Investment Holdings

As a solution provider, Green Energy Investment Holding uses innovative and patented technology to produce a variety of cost-effective products from biomass, such as diesel fuel, hydrogen, electricity, biochar and so on.

Our purpose is to be the key enabler of Green Energy Solutions globally, who:

  1. Reinvest, recycle and regenerate biomass waste into high-value products.
  2. Provide sustainable and cost-effective green solutions that diversify energy sources.
  3. Aim to be a model and inspire others to take better care of our environment.
  4. Encourage others to utilise biomass efficiently and increase awareness of biomass energy.

After years of research & development into biomass energy, we are now proud to take our first step in building up a demonstration plant in South-East Asia. With roots in renewable energy, Green Energy Investment Holding will continue to deliver solutions that will allow the end-users to enjoy affordable clean energy.

Products information and strengths

Biochar / Graphite

The biochar produced can be used soil enhancer and water filter material. Using our proprietary technology, with the right conditions and temperature, we can produce graphite or graphene-like carbon materials using biomass, which is different from the conventional processes. It can be applied in batteries, capacitors, and strengthening material such as cement, asphalt, polymer etc.

GOLD 51 Diesel (Biodiesel)

The biodiesel produced by the company is the 2nd Generation (G2) biodiesel, which does not require blending with conventional diesel. It can be directly used by the vehicle on the road. The G2 biodiesel plant utilizes and converts biomass to biodiesel and biochar. Variety of biomass or waste can be used as the feedstock of the plant. For instance, bagasse, wood waste, horticultural waste, etc. This offers feedstock flexibility as well as stability and it does not consume food crop. Hence, it is advantageous over the current practice in Southeast Asia which mainly uses crude palm oil (CPO) to produce fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) as the biodiesel component. The feedstock converting to G2 biodiesel is considered carbon neutral which met the environmental standards.

H2DROGEN (Hydrogen & Electricity)

Other than biodiesel, our system is also able to produce electricity or hydrogen gas. The first stage of the process is the same as the biodiesel process, wherein the second stage the intermediate product – syngas is used to produce electricity through gas engines/generators or to produce hydrogen by extraction. A high yield of 65% H2 in syngas leads to low hydrogen production cost.


The system is modular and portable, meaning more units can be added on a later stage to increase the production capacity as the demand increases. The modular concept is more convenient and flexible compared to the conventional oil and gas plant. No catalyst is required in the process, meaning lower production cost.

We are seeking collaboration with industry partners to utilise our product. Please contact us for more details. For more information, please visit our website: